itf logo 845x500pxInternational Transport Workers' Federation

The International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) is a democratic, affiliate led federation, recognized as the world's leading transport authority.

The ITF is one of the global union federations, which are part of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC). SITCPLA is a member of ITF.

Link to access the ITF page:


ETF LOGO2European Transport Workers' Federation

The ETF is the European section of the ITF, to which SITCPLA is directly affiliated.

Through the Civil Aviation Section and the Joint Aircrew Committee, we negotiate with the employers and European authorities everything related to air transport, for example, the FTL.

Link to access the ETF page:

Información práctica
C/ Alaró 3, local. 28042 Madrid
Tlf: 91 032 79 71 - Fax: 91 563 24 04
Horario: lunes a viernes de 9:00 a 15:00
Administración: [email protected]
Secciones sindicales
Air Europa: [email protected]
Plus Ultra: [email protected]