The fight for our rights goes on, with a new strike on september 28th
Dear SITCPLA members,
We are contacting you to inform and update you on the latest episodes of our saga with the company, our negotiations and a timeline for our pending assignments.
On the 5th of September we had organized a meeting between the DGT (Dirección General de Trabajo), the Ryanair management, USO and SITCPLA. This encounter was cancelled, due to the resignation of the Director of the DGT, Concepción Pascual. Even though this formal meeting was called off, we continue...
We ask for your cooperation
Dear colleagues,
As you well know, Ryanair CCM have started a process of change in the employment relationship with our airline, that will result in the first industrial action on the 25th and 26th of July.It is the first time that all the employees are aware that a change is not only necessary but possible and ...
Best regards,
SITCPLA Ryanair Board
Comunicado de prensa 16.07.18
Estimados compañeros, os adjuntamos la nota de prensa referente a la primera reunión del Comité de huelga, celebrada hoy.
Saludos cordiales,
Sección sindical SITCPLA Ryanair
Dear colleagues, we enclose the press release regarding the first meeting of the Strike Committee, held today.
Best regards,
SITCPLA Ryanair Board